Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 22 August 2023
Democracy, Decentralization and Political Dynasty: A Case Study of Banten
Lili Romli, Firman Noor, Rohman
National Research and Innovation Agency (Indonesia), State Islamic University Sultan Maulana Hasanudin (Indonesia)

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Pages: 185-198
Keywords: Democracy, Decentralization, Political Dynasties, Political Parties, and Regional Head Election
Democracy and political decentralization policies aim to enhance and strengthen democracy at the local level in Indonesia. As part of strengthening democratization and decentralization, direct regional head elections were organized and held. However, in several cases the regional head election gave the opportunity for political dynasties to rise and perpetuate the power. In other words, through the election of regional heads, political dynasties enter and survive. The political dynasties have hijacked local democracy through the electoral arena. Such conditions occur in Banten, both at the provincial and district or city levels. The political dynasties in Banten emerged and won the electoral competition. There are several factors that contribute to the emergence and survival of political dynasties in Banten. First, the support of political parties. Second, the weak political elite’s counter. Third, the weakness of civil society power and mass media control. Fourth, the weak of political culture of the society. As an analytical tool, this study uses the theory of decentralization, political dynasties and political culture. The research approach is qualitative by using data collection techniques through in-depth interviews and literature study.
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