Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 11 April 2023
Determinants of Social Entrepreneurship in Rural West Java: The Role of Agent of Change, Technology and Innovations, and Communication Channel
Wien Kuntari, Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo, Rita Nurmalina, Ma’mun Sarma
IPB University, Indonesia

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Pages: 1-8
Keywords: Collective Action, Community Dialogue, Social Entrepreneurship, Agent of Change, Communication Model of Social Entrepreneurship
The aim of the research is study examines the determinants of social entrepreneurship. These variables are characteristics of reform agents, characteristics of technology and innovation, communication channels, community dialogue, and collective action so that they can shape changes in behavior related to the creation of social entrepreneurship in the MHP program. This study used a mixed methods approach. Samples were taken of 200 people, processing and analysis data using SEM-PLS. The results of the SEM analysis show three structural equations, (1) depicting that X1 has a significant direct effect on Y1 (0.248) and X2 (0.518). This factor is dominant in the field because the characteristics of technology and innovation provide opportunities for social innovation. Equation (2) shows that Y1 influences Y2 (0.292), this shows that in community dialogue, the community invited to choose who will manage and maintain the turbine. Equation (3) Y1 has a direct effect on the level of social entrepreneurship (0.671), while Y2 has a negative effect (-0.199). The reason is almost 90 percent of the public when there is a communication dialogue in a large meeting, accepts a decision if there is already someone who is considered far more understanding. Community dialogue influenced by the characteristics of change agents as well as the characteristics of technology and innovation. Collective action are influenced by the support of community dialogue, while social entrepreneurship is influenced by communication dialogue and collective action. Community dialogue and collective action are driving forces for citizens to make changes in social entrepreneurship.
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