Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 06 December 2023
Dynamics of the Generation Planning Program (Planning Program) in Anticipating Juvenile Delinquency in Riau Province
Ria Noviana, Moris Adidi Yogia, Rendi Prayuda, Annisa Mardatillah, Septian Wahyudi
Universitas Islam Riau and Kaharuddin Nasution, Indonesia

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Pages: 170-178
Keywords: Generation Planning, Youth Generation, Riau Province
This research is a study of social problems that occur in the community, especially at the youth level that occurs in various regions in Riau Province. The large number of teenagers who fall into negative behavior such as drug abuse, free sex which eventually becomes the reason for early marriage, to contracting infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS. The problems that threaten young people will have an impact on the quality of youth as development actors and readiness to build a family. So that as an effort to respond to various problems related to youth, the government carried out various programs and activities which were distributed to related agencies according to the main tasks and functions that have been regulated in legislation. To support law number 52 of 2009, it is very necessary attention from government agencies to realize the achievement of improving the quality of youth through the Generation Planning Program. This research is qualitative in nature with data sources from literature studies and other supporting documents. This research will produce findings in the form of the role provided by the Generation Planning program in anticipating and preventing juvenile delinquency in Riau Province. In the research results, it will also be found factors that hinder the success of the Generation Planning Program, one of which is the low understanding and attitude of the community towards this program.
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