Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 06 December 2023
Entrepreneurial Competence in Agrotourism-Based MSME Actors Affects Business Performance: Literature Review
Ayutyas Sayekti, Rachmat Pambudy, Burhanuddin, Harmini
IPB University, Indonesia

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Pages: 152-159
Keywords: Agrotourism, Competence, Entrepreneurs, MSME
This paper explores the skills and competencies crucial for entrepreneurs engaged in agrotourism. Agrotourism is an agriculture-based service business, diverging from conventional agricultural businesses that solely produce products. Competence is required to run the business effectively and efficiently. From various literature, the competencies needed by entrepreneurs consist of managerial competence and technical competence. Managerial competence emerges as a key factor. Successful agrotourism entrepreneurs must possess the ability to strategically plan, organize resources, and make informed decisions to navigate the complexities of the industry. Effective management is crucial in addressing challenges such as seasonality, fluctuating consumer preferences, and marketing dynamics inherent in agrotourism. In addition to managerial competence, technical competence is also a critical dimension for entrepreneurs in this field. Technical skills are necessary to understand and leverage the agricultural components of the business, ranging from crop cultivation techniques to animal husbandry practices. Proficiency in these technical aspects ensures not only the quality of agricultural products but also enhances the overall visitor experience by providing authentic and engaging agrotourism activities. To excel in the multifaceted agrotourism sector, entrepreneurs need to synergize both managerial and technical competencies. Striking a balance between these dimensions enables entrepreneurs to establish sustainable agrotourism businesses that contribute not only to their economic success but also to the enrichment of the agricultural and tourism sectors as a whole. As agrotourism continues to evolve, entrepreneurs must continually hone their competencies to adapt to changing market dynamics and emerging consumer trends, ensuring the enduring success of their ventures in this unique intersection of agriculture and tourism.
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