Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 26 October 2021
Exploration of Medicinal Plants: Tinuktuk Concoction in Simalungunese, Indonesia
Erond L. Damanik, Ashar Hasairin, Ratih Baiduri, Marlya H. Saragih, Artha V. Rajagukguk
Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia

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Pages: 24-37
Keywords: Simalungunese, Tinuktuk, Healing, Spice
Plant species have been applied in the traditional treatment of certain diseases since ancient history. The purpose of this study is to explore the efficacy of medicinal plants, specifically tinuktuk, in Simalungunese, North Sumatra, Indonesia. This effort shows the potentials of local knowledge in preparing herbal mixtures, based on geographical existence. The sample concoction was analyzed qualitatively for its health properties, using a pragmatic approach. Subsequent data were obtained from focus group discussions and field demonstrations to determine the plant types, processing mechanisms and efficacy. The results showed that the leaves, stems, fruits, seeds, tubers, and rhizomes of 18 herbal plant varieties were utilized, alongside the evaluation of 8 medicinal properties. Among the species, Zingiberaceae, Arecaceae, and Euphorbiaceae belonged to genera, while Areacaceae, Poaceae, Rutaceae, and Zingiberaceae families were predominantly applied. Therefore, the efficacy determination of tinuktuk concoction appears significant in terms of facilitating lactation during childbirth and subsequently eliminating the unclean blood, enhancing immunity, maintaining stamina and increasing the appetite. In summary, the sample is suitable as a herbal medicine and a product of local knowledge in the treating various ailments across generations.
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