Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 28 December 2020
Implementation of the Philippines-Indonesia Coordinated Patrol in the Sea Border Area of Indonesia and the Philippines from the Sea Power Perspective
Endra Kusuma, Syaiful Anwar
Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia

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Pages: 1120-1131
Keywords: Patrol, Border, Sea Power
The Philippines-Indonesia coordinated patrol (Corpat Philindo) is an implementation of the 1975 Border Patrol Agreement (BPA) which was carried out on a scheduled basis by the two countries in the context of securing the Indonesia-Philippines maritime border. Corpat philindo is the response of the two countries to the existence of traditional border crossers of border communities as well as to guarantee the country's sovereignty from criminal acts and law violations in the border sea between Indonesia and the Philippines. The purpose of this study is to determine the advantages and disadvantages of implementing the Corpat Philindo which have been implemented from the perspective of marine power. The theories used in the analysis are international cooperation security theory and sea power theory. This study uses qualitative data analysis techniques using secondary data and then uses theory to identify a process of events that the author studied. The results of this study conclude that the use of defense equipment, operational areas and support bases in the Corpat Philindo have not yet fulfilled the embodiment of sea power in the Philippines-Indonesia border sea.
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