Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 20 June 2019
Importance of Cultural Heritage in a Post-Disaster Setting: Perspectives from the Kathmandu Valley
Chandani KC, Sadasivam Karuppannan, Alpana Sivam
The University of South Australia, Australia

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Pages: 429-442
Keywords: Natural Disaster, Cultural Heritage, Historic Cities, Developing Countries, Intangible, Kathmandu Valley
This paper explores the role of cultural heritage in a post-disaster setting and its importance in maintaining the social and cultural values in the redevelopment of areas damaged by an earthquake. It uses a case study method with the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal as the case study site. Intangible heritage in the valley such as daily rituals, festivals, and processions helped people to overcome the traumatic experiences of the disaster and helped communities reconnect with each other. Findings from the research show that cultural heritage plays an important role in helping people readjust their lives after major disasters such as the 2015 Nepal earthquake. It argues for recognition of cultural heritage in the post-disaster recovery and redevelopment process.
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