Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 26 April 2021
Pancasila as the Foundation of Political Ethics in Indonesia, Case Study of the Struggle for the Chairman of a Political Party in Indonesia
Munif Prasojo, Lukman Yudho Prakoso, Agus Mansyah, Afrizal Hendra, Ernalem Bangun
Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia, Indonesian Defense University

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Pages: 115-126
Keywords: Coupt, Education, Ethics, Politics, Systems
The world of politics is becoming something interesting to discuss. Every time there's something new going on. There is no eternal enmity or eternal friend in politics, but the infinite is only essential (read: power struggle). At some point, a person could be a friend, but other times he could be the enemy. It's still fresh in all of us how frenetic the last presidential election we held yesterday. The frictions have felt very hot, so people are wary from mutual claims of victory, to each other's accusations of cheating, to the last in the Constitutional Court. However, after that, it continued on social media for months. This feud resulted in two terms that are very viral in Indonesia, namely cebong and kampret. This is an accumulation of fanaticism of both sides' supporters (“Tidak Ada Musuh Atau Teman Abadi Di Dalam Politik – IndependensI,” n.d.). This article was written to give a clearer picture of the politics in Indonesia. So there is a difference between politics in Indonesia and other countries. The political system of a different government, including various cultural roots, will give its characteristics. Research through literature and various other readings and discussions conducted in the classroom and multiple seminars. Also, based on the development of the current political situation. There is still a need for a deeper understanding of political actors as well as from academia. So that political life in Indonesia will be better. Political education, especially political ethics in Indonesia as a State based on Pancasila, must be continuously improved. This is the shared responsibility of all components of the nation. Indonesia should not be destroyed because there are foreign hands who interfere in politics in Indonesia.
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