Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 25 December 2023
Rural Homelessness: The Hidden Crisis
Nelson Simanjuntak, Fernando Silalahi, Manotar Tampubolon
Institute Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri (Indonesia), Universitas Kristen Indonesia (Indonesia)

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Pages: 251-262
Keywords: Rural, Urban, Homeless, Hilbilly
Urban homelessness has been extensively studied, but rural homelessness, especially in one city, has not. This study compares rural homeless people to metropolitan ones to highlight their hardships. The book chapter titled "Rural Homelessness: The Hidden Crisis" provides insight into the phenomenon of homelessness in rural regions. The authors have utilized pre-existing research to underscore the distinct obstacles that homeless individuals encounter in rural areas. The challenges encompass restricted availability of resources and amenities, social seclusion, and the absence of reasonably priced housing. The chapter delves into an examination of the origins and outcomes of homelessness in rural areas, encompassing factors such as destitution, joblessness, psychological disorders, and drug addiction. The contention put forth by the authors is that the issue of homelessness in rural areas is frequently disregarded and inadequately financed, rendering it a concealed crisis. The chapter also offers prospective remedies and policy suggestions to tackle the issue, including augmenting the availability of housing, healthcare, and support services. In general, this particular chapter of the book offers significant perspectives regarding the intricacies of homelessness in rural areas and emphasizes the critical necessity of taking action to tackle this pressing concern.
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