Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 18 March 2023
Social Network Application in Building the Personal Brand of Vietnamese Young People
Nguyen Thi Van Anh, Nguyen Ha My
University of Labour and Social Affairs, Chu Van An High School

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Pages: 163-174
Keywords: Social Network, Personal Brand, Personal Branding, Vietnamese Youth
Research on the application of social networks in building personal brands of Vietnamese young people is approached by the research team in terms of: frequency of Vietnamese youth using social networks, understanding and current status of Vietnamese youth using social networks. Use social media to build your personal brand. The research was carried out through literature review and sociological investigation. The research results show that the current level of young people using social networks is quite high (4.28 points on the Likert 5 scale), up to 53.3% of the respondents use social networks over 4 hours per day. The survey subjects also showed the need for personal branding (2.66 points on the Likert scale 3) and showed interest in building a personal brand with a personal mark (3.68 points on the Likert 5 scale). However, in the 10 content of personal branding according to Saokim Brank (2021), only 2 contents "Be yourself" and "Build consistent words and images" scores represent the level of implementation, and the remaining contents are only shown at the desired level. From the research results, the authors made some exchanges and discussions with the hope that young people will use "Social Networks" more effectively in building personal brands.
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