Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 17 August 2023
Surveying Generation Z in Hanoi City About Factors Affecting the Entrepreneurial Readiness
Nguyen Thi Van Anh, Tran Dan Khanh
University of Labour and Social Affairs, Kim Lien High School

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Pages: 122-130
Keywords: Start-Up, Entrepreneurial Readiness, Vietnamese Young People, Hanoi City
Encouraging entrepreneurship, especially start-up activities for young people, is regarded as a kernel of economic growth and employment creation. In this study, the research team examines factors affecting the “Entrepreneurial readiness of Gen Z in Hanoi City” by collecting the survey data of 299 young people of Gen Z in Hanoi City and putting in analysis 295/299 collected questionnaires about the effects of factors. 6 factors “Attitude toward entrepreneurship”, “Subjective norms”, “Perceived behavioral control”, “Attitude toward money”, “Entrepreneurship education”, and “Aspiration to succeed” are put in the examination of impacts on the factor “Entrepreneurial readiness of Gen Z in Hanoi City”. 3 factors “Aspiration to succeed”, “Attitude toward money”, and “Attitude toward entrepreneurship” have the highest average scores of 4.04, 3.96, and 3.94, respectively. 2 factors “Entrepreneurial readiness of Gen Z in Hanoi City” and “Entrepreneurship education” have the lowest average scores at the same level of 3.53. This study attempts to determine the impact of factors and raise awareness of young people, Gen Z in Hanoi City in particular and in Vietnam in general to be more precise, about entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial readiness. From that, exchanges and discussions to enhance the sense of responsibility and spirit of young people as the kernel of the nation’s future are drawn.
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