Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)
Published: 10 December 2021
The Development of Postmodern Art: A Historical Overview
Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
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Pages: 141-154
Keywords: Epistemology, Modern, Post-Modern, Art, Artist, Historical Review
In general, modernists see the art form as a pure form independent of the art form itself. They give priority over what is shown. Or more importantly, the form or medium of representation they use is themselves. Based on this opinion, it seems that in its development the post-modern travel model can roughly be distinguished between those that are deconstructive and constructive or revisionary. Actually, one of the most prominent characteristics of modernism that distinguishes it from previous cultures such as romanticism, realism or naturalism is the existence of a systematic and amazing categorization. The energy that appears in each part is recognized for its strength. As in this case are the schools: post-impressionism, symbolism, cubism, vorticism, imagination, akmeism, and neo-plasticism. The term modernism was first used in 1890 by the Nicaraguan writer Ruben Dario to distinguish between Latin American literature and Spanish literature. Until the 1920s, modern artists managed to maintain by inspiring and integrating various art groups as a cultural force. These artists include; novelists James Joyce, Marcel Proust, and Andre Breton. In post-modernism also emerged conceptual art, a movement that attaches great importance to concepts. Often the work of conceptual artists is not shown in reality, but the work is limited to sketches and texts in which the artist's ideas are depicted. Post-modern thinkers are disillusioned with grand visions of the past such as Marxism and various religions. According to postmodernists, these visions bring only misery. These old views are being erased and replaced by more personal ideas.
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