Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 29 October 2023
Victim-Oriented Humanistic Policing as a New Model in Improving Services for Victims of Sexual Violent Crimes: Comparative Study of Indonesian Police, Japanese, and New Zealand
Aruma Chandra Dewi, Adrianus Eliasta Meliala, Iqrak Sulhin
Universitas Indonesia

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Pages: 89-109
Keywords: Sexual Violent Crimes, Crime Victim Services, National Police, Victim-Oriented Humanistic Policing
This research aims to examine service models for victims of sexual violent crimes in three countries, namely Indonesia, Japan, and New Zealand. The research uses a descriptive-qualitative approach. The method used is case study comparison to then produce a new theoretical model related to victim-oriented humanistic policing (VOHP) for adaptation in Indonesia. Based on the identification and interpretation of research data using the Hoefnagels (1969) criminal policy analysis framework and Paterson's (2022) victim-oriented policing policy analysis, five new theoretical approaches were found regarding VOHP services for victims of sexual violent crimes in Indonesia. The five approaches include sustainable mentoring, practical interview skills, advocacy support, technology mastery, and strategic partnerships. These five new concepts emphasize a focus on institutional and cultural transformation of the National Police to prevent revictimization when dealing with victims. These five models are elaborations of models that have generally been applied universally, especially in Japan and New Zealand. It is hoped that this VOHP model can become the basis for better services for victims of sexual violent crimes in Indonesia.
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