Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 25 August 2023
Comparison of Legal Policies Towards Law Enforcement on Money Laundering in Indonesia and Denmark
Altingia Magfirah, Waluyo
University of Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

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Pages: 100-106
Keywords: Policy, Law Enforcement, Money Laundering
Money laundering as one of the crimes committed by a group of people. This form of money laundering is in the form of a follow-up crime, while the original crime is often called predicate offense. Some of the motivating reasons for committing criminal acts of money laundering are that illicit money is used as capital as a business or sent to non-banking financial service providers such as insurance. Money laundering affects and disrupts national and international economies and can disrupt the operational effectiveness of the economic system which will later lead to bad economic policies, especially in certain countries. Money laundering practices can also create instability in the national economy as money laundering causes sharp fluctuations in interest rates and exchange rates. Money laundering is felt to never run out even more and even its development from year to year is increasing both in cases, a number of state losses and its modus operandi. This study aims to see policies on money laundering cases in Indonesia and will be compared with Denmark so that it can find out the differences in state policies and what obstacles the Indonesian state faces in its enforcement in combating money laundering. So the author is interested in giving a title to this study as a Comparison of Legal Policies Against Law Enforcement on Money Laundering in Indonesia and Denmark. The legal research used is qualitative research which is included in the category of normative research. The data used is secondary data
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