Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 30 April 2022
Improving the Morals and Ethics of Law Enforcement in Indonesia
Erikson Sihotang, Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra, H. Nurianto RS, Ni Ketut Wiratny
Mahendradata University (Indonesia), Udayana University (Indonesia)

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Pages: 39-47
Keywords: Ethics, Morals, Law Enforcement, Law Enforcement
The reason for the reform in 1998 was that the law did not demonstrate its role in achieving justice in the community. After 22 years of legal reform in Indonesia, the situation is not much different; there are already many legal norms that are considered incompatible with human rights and justice, but the state of Indonesian law has not changed much. Formalization of topics to be explored in relation to law enforcement, ethics, and morality of law enforcement officers. In accordance with the problem, empirical normative research methodologies using legal materials are derived from laws and regulations, as well as other scientific works. Based on the discussion, the study's findings revealed the occurrence of a multidimensional crisis in which the law's inability to show its presence in the middle of people's social lives, owing to the fact that most law enforcement agencies have failed to do so, particularly in terms of ethics and morality. As a result, other than redesigning legal standards, no other effort can be made to realize the law as commander in chief in the country of Indonesian law save by strengthening the ethics and morality of law enforcement personnel.
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