Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 26 September 2024
The Era of Artificial Intelligence: Examining Indonesia’s Adaptability and Legal Challenges
Maulana Hafiz
Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia

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Pages: 85-93
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Defamation, Deepfake Pornography, Legal Framework, Indonesia
The rapid progress in artificial intelligence (AI) technology has given rise to a range of legal complexities, particularly pertaining to deepfake technology. This research delves into the impacts of deepfake media, with a specific focus on areas such as deepfake pornography, defamation, and image-based sexual abuse. The widespread use of deepfake technology has resulted in substantial concerns relating to privacy breaches, harm to reputation, and transnational abuse, posing distinctive challenges for legal enforcement and judicial systems. Furthermore, it is noted that the current legal framework in Indonesia, particularly the TPKS Law and the Revised Criminal Code (KUHP), is inadequate in addressing the intricacies of AI-driven offenses. The paper underscored the necessity for updated legislation and enhanced technological capabilities within law enforcement agencies to effectively combat AI-enabled crimes. While acknowledging the potential applications of AI in various sectors, including cybersecurity, the study emphasizes the urgency of aligning Indonesia's legal framework with the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence. This research serves as a comprehensive exploration of the legal implications of AI and deepfake technology in Indonesia, advocating for proactive measures to mitigate the risks posed by these technological advancements.
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