Law and Humanities
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2827-9735

Published: 26 January 2025
Women’s Participation in Entrepreneurship from an Islamic Perspective
Muhammad Faizul Haque, Zainatul Shuhaida Abdull Rahman, Mst Khairunnassa, Md Atiqur Rahman Sarker, Sardar Md Humayun Kabir
Manarat International University (Bangladesh), Universiti Teknologi MARA (Malaysia), Asian University of Bangladesh (Bangladesh), International Islamic University Malaysia (Malaysia)

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Pages: 45-55
Keywords: Women, Entrepreneurship, Islam
Decades-long efforts of the international community have reduced gender disparities in education, health and the labor market, but there still remains substantial gender inequality in many social aspects represented by discriminatory practices and laws based on conventional concepts and rules of fixed gender roles. Specially, the environment surrounding women has become severe in the world due to conflicts, terror attacks, infectious diseases, climate change and natural disasters. Development policy for ensuring gender equality and greater roles of women in development and social innovation is required in response to such changes in the environment and for newly arising challenges in promoting development. Despite some visible achievements in entrepreneurship developments, there are still many challenges ahead for women entrepreneurs' smooth development. On the other hand, Islam emphasis on the establishment of humankind's due rights given by Almighty Allah (s. w. t) in order to enjoy a quality of life for all. The present paper aims to highlights both conventional and Islamic perspectives on women’s participation in entrepreneurial sectors. Subsequently, it attempts to study the obstacles that impede women’s participation in entrepreneurship sectors. Lastly, the paper discusses the benefits of women’s involvement in entrepreneurship and how it contributes to foster the global economy and societal development.
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