Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 06 March 2023
Investigation of Trait Anxiety and Death Anxiety Experienced in the Covid 19 Pandemic in Terms of Physical Activity Status
Deniz Bedir, Sevinc Namli
Erzurum Technical University, Turkey

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Pages: 452-463
Keywords: University Students, Pandemic, Trait Anxiety, Death Anxiety, Physical Activity
With the emergence of Covid-19, people's lifestyles have changed due to restriction measures. This situation has caused various adverse psychological effects on people. The study aimed to examine individuals' death anxiety and trait anxiety levels regarding physical activity status during the pandemic. In this context, 475 university students, 275 (57.9%) female, and 200 (42.1%) male participated in the research. The trait anxiety section of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory was used to detect the trait anxiety of the participants, and the Abdel-Khalek Death Anxiety Scale was used to determine the death anxiety. Independent Samples T-Test and One Way Anova, parametric tests, were applied to the collected data. According to the research findings, there is a statistically significant difference in trait anxiety and death anxiety levels according to whether to do physical activity during the pandemic. The results show that the death anxiety and trait anxiety levels of individuals who do physical activity are lower than those who do not do sports. As a result, it can be said that individuals who continue to do sports despite various limitations during the pandemic period are less exposed to the adverse psychological effects of the pandemic.
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