Yedy Purwandi Sukmawan, Nur Rahayuningsih, Melinda Hidayat
The University of Bakti Tunas Husada, Indonesia

Indonesia has the second largest Tuberculosis (TB) burden in the world. One of the solutions to reduce this prevalence is medication compliance and avoiding side effects. However, compliance level and side effects data on TB patients in Indonesia are still limited. Therefore, the study aimed to determine compliance levels and medication side effects in tuberculosis susceptible drugs patients. Medication Morisky Adherence Scale-8 (MMAS-8) and Naranjo algorithm scale were used to determine the compliance level and the side effects, respectively. Seventy-six patients were involved in this study (male 64.47%, mean age 45.68 y.o, and 98.68% living with family). The compliance level of low, medium, and high were 5.28%, 40.79%, and 53.93%, respectively. Thirty-five (46.05%) patients experienced side effects, which involved a high probable category (37.15%) was tingling, a probably category (42.85%) was nausea, itch, myalgia, and tingling, and a possible category (20.01%) was cough and myalgia. We didn’t find any correlation between compliance with age, sex, education level, and occupations. However, education level slightly correlated with compliance (p 0.066). The compliance level is still low, provides an education and side effects prevention and treatment may increase the compliance level. These compliance and side effects data give a solution to reduce the prevalence of TB in Indonesia.