Dumilah Ayuningtyas, Eme Stepani Sitepu, Elfrida Rooslanda, Lili Damayanti, Nurul Safitri
Universitas Indonesia

Implementing COVID-19 vaccination in Indonesia, a country with 17,000 islands and 38 provinces presents significant challenges, including reducing transmission risk and promoting economic recovery. This study aims to raise a policy issue perspective on the implementation of COVID-19 vaccination. It begins by exploring the influencing factors using the policy analysis triangle framework, examining the content, context, processes, and actors involved, to understand the dynamics of vaccination policy readiness and implementation. The analysis investigates the current landscape, regulatory framework, and execution, which serve asvaccination."indicators of Indonesia's readiness for COVID-19 vaccination. Between enaMarch 2020 and February 2022, the Indonesian government enacted 16 regulations, including Government Regulations, Ministerial Regulations, and Ministerial Decrees, to facilitate vaccination efforts against the pandemic. Despite these efforts, significant challenges remain such as limited vaccine availability, distribution logistics, and public acceptance pose significant hurdles to the policy's successful implementation. The study highlights that Indonesia's vaccination strategy is influenced by by political, social, and economic factors, along with global pandemic trends. Despite initial unpreparedness, evident in the rapid policy development during the pandemic's early phases, Indonesia's strategic adjustments facilitated a notable vaccination coverage milestone, achieving over 70% for the first dose by 2021 and the second dose by mid-2022. This progression showcases the country's resilience and capacity to navigate the multifaceted obstacles inherent in a large-scale vaccination campaign.