Awaluddin, Asriyani, Ansar, Arnesto Rantau
Tadulako University, Indonesia
The problem formulations in this study are: 1) How is the implementation of crowd licence on Mapasilaga Tedong activities in Tana Toraja? 2) How is the supervision of crowd permits for Mapasilaga Tedong activities in Tana Toraja? This type of research in legal research is research that uses empirical juridical methods with a descriptive research approach. The author's conclusion is: The implementation of the crowd permit for Mapasilaga Tedong activities in Tana Toraja is considered not properly implemented. Because there are still many inhibiting factors in terms of processing crowd permits including Socialisation, lack of public understanding of the procedure for applying for a crowd permit, lack of assertiveness in terms of time provisions from the Police in issuing crowd permits, and making crowd permits through practical ways. The supervision of crowd permits for Mapasilaga Tedong activities in Tana Toraja carried out by the Tana Toraja police has not been able to completely eradicate gambling practices in Mapasilaga Tedong activities. There are several factors that become obstacles to eradicating this violation of the law, namely: A) The police have not fully professionally seen and sorted out between culture and law violations that are considered a culture. B) The lack of role of the local government to assist the police in terms of management and supervision with the absence of local regulations related to crowd permits so that there is no harmonisation between the police and the local government of Tana Toraja in terms of management and supervision of crowd permits.