Zulkifli Amin
Postrgraduate Student, University of Education, Indonesia
DOI: 10.31014/aior.1993.01.01.1
This research aims to investigate the impact of implementing full day school in Indonesia toward students, teachers, and school stakeholders. This research used a descriptive qualitative research as the method in order to gain direct explanation about the impact of that policy from its scope. To achieve the objectives of this research, In-Depth interview and Focused Group Discussion with students, teachers, and school stakeholders were conducted to gain data. Some samples from elementary school, junior, and senior high school (students, teachers, and school stakeholders) were taken. The number of interviewee is 25, consists of 6 school stakeholders, 10 students, and 9 teachers from different level. The data was analyzed by using content analysis toward interview result. There are four steps to analyse the interview result; transcribing, reducing, displaying, and drawing conclusion. Based on the interview result, the impact of implementing full day school on students classified into four categories; social impact, physical impact, psychological impact, and cognitive impact. Impacts on teachers are classified into two categories; personal impact and professionalism impact, then Impacts on school stakeholders.
Education is one of important aspects in constructing a nation. If education in a nation has many problems, this means that the nation need much time to be an advance country. The problems of education in Indonesia are complex. Therefore, to increase the quality of education, government initiated the newest program to be applied in Indonesia that is implementing full day school. The initiation will become school’s program, school will decide what types of full day school which is appropriate to the students’ need and interest such as giving additional time for specific subject, giving some extracurricular, and giving additional time to religion knowledge. In giving new policy-full day school that has to be applied, the following is several reasons of government. The first reason is moral degradation and crisis among the youth at this time. Based on the fact shows that students involved in gang fight and gang up on. In one year, there are 13 Jakarta students are died because of gang fight. On September 2012, there were 2 gang fights that cause death to the two students. In yogyakarta, on 2011 noted there was a gang up on that cause death to one student because of a prick (www.polri.go.id).
Also, based on National drugs institution on 2006 noted that there are 5 or six from 100 studens are using drugs (www.kompas.com/read/xml/2008/02/13/20463659). On 2010, the number of students is increased become19%, the data showed that there are about 14.000 teenagers become drugs consumer (www.muda.kompasiana.com), (Unayah, et.al. 2015). As a result, those cases make government worry to the next generation which has much time out of the school. That is why; having full day school will be able to decrease those crimes by staying longer at school until afternoon. The second reason is prevent doing unproductive or dangerous activities while their parents are working. Full day school will bring a great benefit for parents who are working until afternoon, they cannot control their children at home, they will not know what children do and with whom children talk to (Ellington, 2011).
Although parents provide a servant that will take carefully by the servant, for instance, children watch violence news on television, pornography video, gang fight sinetron, and so forth. If it is not coped with additional time at school, it implicates on less control of parents after school that cause students to be unproductive. Full day school comes as one of the best solution to overcome those problems, improve education quality in Indonesia, and develop students’ character. Hopefully, by this program government expects to be able to improve education quality through tightening considerable cooperation or relation between teachers and government, teachers and students, teachers and parents, and teachers and school stakeholders.
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