Arun Salee, Nipitphont Sanitlou
Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology, Thailand

The objectives of this research were 1) To study the use of Information technology for school administration under Sarasas affiliated area 3 schools. 2) To compare the use of Information technology for school administration under Sarasas affiliated area 3 schools, classified by educational qualifications, tenure status, school size, and varying work experiences; and 3) To examine approaches to the use of Information technology for school administration under Sarasas affiliated area 3 schools. The research method is divided into two steps Step 1 Study and compare the use of Information technology for school administration. The sample group includes 251 administrators and teachers from within Sarasas affiliated area 3 schools, selected through stratified random sampling based on the proportion of teachers in each school. The research instrument is a questionnaire on the use of Information technology for school administration, created by the researcher, and designed using a 5-level rating scale. Data are analyzed using the mean and standard deviation. Step 2 Study the approach to the use of Information technology for school administration under Sarasas affiliated area 3 schools. The informants include three experts selected by purposive sampling. The tools used for data collection include an interview form on the use of Information technology for school administration under Sarasas affiliated area 3 schools. Data were analyzed using content analysis. The research results found that: 1) the use of Information technology for school administration under Sarasas affiliated area 3 schools was at a high level overall. When considering each aspect, the area with the highest average score was general administration, also at a high level. 2) Administrators and teachers with different educational qualifications used information technology in administration differently, as classified by the educational qualification variable. 3) The results also suggest that in terms of academic administration, ICT and Hybrid Learning should be utilized to develop mobile classrooms, digital media, assessment methods, and to enhance parental participation. In budget administration, funds should be allocated for learning equipment, disease prevention, software and internet investment, and using Big Data to improve learning. For personnel administration, online work systems should be adopted, teachers’ digital skills should be developed, Hybrid Learning should be promoted, and leadership should follow the Super Coach model. In general administration, online systems should be used to track students, develop websites, and create digital media archives. Additionally, equipment for online teaching should be allocated.