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Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Vol.7 No.4 (2024)
The Asian Institute of Research
Education Quarterly Reviews
Vol.7, No.4, December 2024
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Training Needs of Educators in Nursery and Preschool Centers | Anagnou Evaggelos, Fragkoulis Iosif, Papastavrou Panagiota | Hellenic Open University, ASPETE | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.546 | |
Advancing Efficiency, Transparency, and Accuracy of Digital Quality Assurance Systems in Higher Education | Khusnul Khotimah, Moh Danang Bahtiar, Yuni Fitriyah Ningsih, Maspiyah, Nur Ahmad Arief | State University of Surabaya, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.545 | |
Fostering Cross-Cultural Competence through Discourse-Based Language Teaching: English Teachers' Narratives | Gopal Prasad Pandey | Tribhuvan University, Nepal | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.544 | |
Evaluation of Health Literacy in Turkey in Line with Scientific Studies | Türkan Dal Biçer, Ramazan Biçer | İnönü University | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.543 | |
Investigating The Lexical Concept of “War” & “Conflict” Concerning Israel vs Palestine in BBC 2023 | Ariani Dwi Puteri, Elvi Citraresmana, Nani Darmayanti | Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.542 | |
Study of Soft Skills that Students Need for Self-Development at Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology | Suwit Salamteh, Nalinee Sutsavade, Sumitra Yapradit | Suvarnabhumi Intitute of Technology, Siam University | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.541 | |
The Fields of Pragmatic Discourse Analysis | Ayten Rahimli Muzaffar | Baku State University, Azerbaijan | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.540 | |
Transformation of Madrasah Management: Strategy to Increase Public Trust in State Elementary Madrasah 1 Grobogan | Ahmad Umar, Muhammad Munadi | Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo (Indonesia), Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Mas Said Surakarta (Indonesia) | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.539 | |
What Makes an Efficient Adult Inmates’ Trainer? | Anagnou Evaggelos, Fragkoulis Iosif, Tzinavou Alexandra | Hellenic Open University, ASPETE | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.538 | |
How Transformational Leadership Enhancing School's Performance: A Systematic Literature Review | Ardin Sianipar, Ayu Yulianti Putri | Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.537 | |
Self-Regulated Learning, Satisfaction, and Educational Performance: A Study of Undergraduate Accounting Students | Lauw Tjun Tjun, Bram Hadianto | Maranatha Christian University, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.536 | |
21st Century School Management Skills from Crisis Management by Private School Administrators under the Nonthaburi Provincial Education Office | Aitthikiat Nareebut, Sumitra Yapradit | Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology, Thailand | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.535 | |
Mentoring in Kindergartens: Benefits for Newly Appointed Teachers, Mentors and Educational Organizations | Zacharoula Kontogianni, Εfthymios Valkanos, Maria Sytziouki, Iosif Fragoulis, Marios Koutsoukos | University of Macedonia, ASPETE, Helenic Open University | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.534 | |
Teaching Behavior of Teachers in the Digital Age at Songvithaya Affiliated Schools | Ubonwan Chidthuam, Suwit Salamteh | Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.533 | |
Educational Evaluation and Professional Development of Teachers | Tsiligianni Maria, Vathi-Sarava Panagiota | University of Patras, Hellenic Open University | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.532 | |
Education Administration Using the New Normal and Quality Approach in the Suwannabhumi Prakarn Secondary School Consortium under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Samut Prakan | Atirach Ganjampa, Sumitra Yapadit | Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.531 | |
“Prominent” Epistemology in Reference Books of Islamic Education at Islamic Higher Education Institutions in Indonesia: Retracing Justificative Reasoning | Sabarudin, Mahmud Arif, Moh. Roqib, Syarnubi, Mardeli | Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga (Indonesia), Universitas Islam Negeri SAIZU Purwokerto (Indonesia), Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang (Indonesia) | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.530 | |
Examining Self-Assessment of Student Teachers’ Self-Directed Learning: A Case Study at Battambang Teacher Education College, Cambodia | Da Bou, Louth Sran, Samruom Teu, Chhivrath Tep, Sinoeurn Kheuy, Savuth Vy, Vanny Dul | Battambang Teacher Education College (Cambodia), National University of Battambang (Cambodia), Preah Sihanouk Raja Buddhist University (Cambodia), Buddhism for Education of Cambodia (Cambodia) | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.529 | |
Parental Occupational Factors and Academic Qualifications as Correlates of Students’ Examination Integrity in Secondary Schools in South-South Nigeria | Augustine E. Ejaigu, Rita Ogbodu | Delta State College of Education | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.528 | |
The Use of Information Technology for School Administration under Sarasas affiliated area 3 schools | Arun Salee, Nipitphont Sanitlou | Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology, Thailand | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.527 | |
Academic Administration to Develop Proactive Learning Management for Teachers in Sarasas Affiliated Schools | Patthana Rotrut, Anusorn Nampradit | Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.526 | |
Exploring the Role of Educational Videos in Teacher Training: Usability, Satisfaction, and Pedagogical Intentions | Vasileios Neofotistos, Eleni Mavropoulou, Christos Stergiou, Sofia Aslanidou, Andreas Oikonomou | University of Macedonia, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, ASPETE | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.252 | |
Needs and Guidelines for Developing Innovative Thinking Skills of Private School Administrators in Samutprakan Province | Montira Jarungvittayakorn, Anusorn Nampradit | Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.524 | |
The Influence of Loan Deposit Ratio, Liquidity Reserve Requirement Ratio, Leverage, and Company Size on Window Dressing: Conventional Commercial Banks Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the Period 2018-2022 | Shinta Noor Anggraeny, RB. Iwan Noor Suhasto, Santi Tyas Sasmita | State Polytechnic of Madiun, Indonesia | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.523 | |
Consumption of Water, Environmental Awareness and Class Consciousness: Mismatches in the Praxis | Otacilio Antunes Santana | Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.522 | |
Skill Development in Teaching Ancient Greek: The Role of New Technologies | Theodora Papageorgiou, Panagiota Vathi-Sarava, Iosif Fragkoulis | University of Patras (Greece), School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (Greece) | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.521 | |
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Oral Communicative Skills in French Language Education | Eleni Mavropoulou, Panagiotis Arvanitis | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.520 | |
Digitising Education: Augmenting the Learning Experience with Digital Tools and AI | Eleni Mavropoulou, Marios Koutsoukos, Dimitrios Terzopoulos, Christos Petridis | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | 10.31014/aior.1993.07.04.519 |
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