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Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute
Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute

Education Quarterly Reviews

ISSN 2621-5799

asia institute of research, journal of education, education journal, education quarterly reviews, education publication, education call for papers
asia institute of research, journal of education, education journal, education quarterly reviews, education publication, education call for papers
asia institute of research, journal of education, education journal, education quarterly reviews, education publication, education call for papers
asia institute of research, journal of education, education journal, education quarterly reviews, education publication, education call for papers

Vol.5 No.4 (2022)

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The Asian Institute of Research 
Education Quarterly Reviews
Vol.5, No.4 December 2022 

Teachers' Attitude Scale Towards Metaverse Use: A Scale Development Study
Metin Çengel, Ezgi Pelin Yildiz
Sakarya University of Applied Sciences (Turkey), Kafkas University (Turkey)
Traineeships in Greek Higher Education: The State of the Art and the Way Forward
Vasileios Koniaris, Marianthi Karatsiori, Aikaterini Tsalampouni, Sofia Boutsiouki, Dimitrios Skiadas, Konstantinos Zafiropoulos
University of Macedonia
Investigation of the Relationship Between Self-Perceptions of Fine Arts High School Students Towards Their Instruments and Their Music Performance Anxiety
Çağrı Çalışır, Hatice Onuray Eğilmez
Bursa Uludağ University, Türkiye
Improving Early Childhood Emotional Intelligence Through Traditional "Balogo" Games in Kindergartens
Darman Manda, Kartika Fajriani, Dyan Paramitha Darmayanti
Makassar State University (Indonesia), Nahdlatul Ulama University (Indonesia)
Latent Learning Disabilities in the Classroom: Interpreting Children's Learning Styles Identified by Memory Recalls
Ergin Erginer
Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli University, Turkey
The Relationship Between Pre-Service Teachers' Online Self-Regulation Skills and Cognitive Emotion Regulation Skills
Hale SucuoÄŸlu
Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey
Investigating Reading Comprehension Questions and Student-Generated Questions in Language Lessons in terms of Level
Eda Işır, Yusuf Uyar
Zonguldak Bulent Ecevit University (Turkey), Gazi University (Turkey)
The Ecology of Early Development: Fathers’ Home Involvement and Child’s Later Educational Outcomes
Oguzcan Cig, Ithel Jones
Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University, Florida State University
Social Studies Teachers’ Digital Literacy Levels
Elif Kosdak, Nusret Koca, Mehmet Tamer Kaya
Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey
The Relationship Between Anaerobic Power, Back Strength and Balance in Elite Wrestlers
Yahya Yıldırım, Duygu Yıldırım
Bursa Technical University, Turkey
The Role of Quality Standards in Preparing Nutrition Fact Sheets for School Feeding
Riad Zerrougui, Khaoula Ziani, Fadhila Saadat, Narimane Maamir
INRE, Algeria
Inadequate Grammatical Proficiency of B. Ed. English Majors: Claims and Confessions
Kamal Kumar Poudel, Rudra Bahadur Thapa
Tribhuvan University (Nepal)
Developing English for Tourism Learning Model Based on Hypermedia
Anwar Rahman, Basuki Wibawa, Syarif Sumantri
Politeknik Negeri Lampung (Indonesia), Universitas Negeri Jakarta (Indonesia)
The Effect of POE Method with PhET Simulation on Primary School Student’s Science Attitudes and Success: Greenhouse Effect
Uğur Çetinkaya, Gamze Kırılmazkaya
Ministry of Education (Turkey), Harrran University (Turkey)
A Theoretical Evaluation on Traditional Leadership Approaches
Cem Akın
Ministry of National Education, Turkey
An Examination of Obesogenic Nutritional Habits in Sedentary Students
Hikmet Türkay
Osmaniye Korkut Ata University
Personalized Cognitive Counseling Process to Promote Digital Health
Naphatsanan Suwannawong, Prachyanun Nilsook, Panita Wannapiroon
King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Thailand
Entrepreneurship in Preschool Education: Turkish Preservice Teachers’ Entrepreneurship Features, Comparison with their Lecturers’ Views and Suggestions for Development
Sila Kaya-Capocci
Agri Ibrahim Cecen University, Turkey
Gender and Socio-Economic Background Aspect of Inclusion: A Perspective from Turkey
Fatma Kesik
Hasan Ali Yucel Faculty of Education, Istanbul University
The Impact of Online Learning Process During the Covid 19 Pandemic: Possibly Leading to Learning Loss?
Fanny Septiani Farhan, Lismandasari
Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia
Government Expenditure on Education and Its Impact on Access: A Narrative of the Czech Republic
Abdul Basit Abdul Rahaman, Nurudeen Abdul-Rahman
Dr. Hilla Limann Technical University, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Universal Design Study of Circulation Systems at the Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University Gowa
Dzulkarnaim Waspada, Syarif Beddu, Triyatni Martosenjoyo
Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Metaphorical Connotations of Preservice Teachers on the Concept of Nomophobia
Erol Koçoğlu, Ramazan Biçer, Veysel Yiğen
The University of İnönü (Turkey), The University of Fırat (Turkey)
EFL Pre-service Teachers’ and Interns’ Expectations and Satisfaction of International Practicum: An Exploratory Study on Patterns and Influential Factors
Bao Kham, Tran Thi My Phuong
Hue University (Viet Nam), The UK Academy International School (Viet Nam)
A Phenomenological Study of Tutors’ Insights on the Meaning of Quality of Education in Selected Primary Teacher Training Colleges (PTTCs) in Uganda
Edward Kigozi
Central China Normal University
The Effect of Out-of-school Learning Environments Used in Life Studies Lessons on Students' Academic Achievement and Attitudes
Aytekin Karbeyaz, Murat Kurt
University of Amasya, Turkey
Perceptions of School Managers Towards the Acceptance and Use of Technology: A Phenomenological Study
Metin IÅŸik
KirÅŸehir Ahi Evran University
Secondary Students’ Experiences with Distance Education for Mathematics Courses During the Covıd-19: The Sample of Turkey
Büşra Temel, Hayal Yavuz Mumcu
Ordu University, Turkey
The Effects of Emotional Intelligence of the Foreign Students Learning Turkish Language on Speaking and Writing Anxiety
AyÅŸe AteÅŸ, Niymet BahÅŸi
Inonu University (Turkey), Ministry of Education (Turkey)
The Effect of Prior Knowledge, Emotional Intelligence and Motivation on Mathematical Communication
Waminton Rajagukguk, Nuraini Sri Bina, Katrina Samosir
Medan State of University, Indonesia
Online Learning Participation after the Covid-19 Pandemic in Sikka Regency, Eastern Indonesia
Marianus Yufrinalis, Sri Sulistyaningsih Natalia Daeng Tiring
Nusa Nipa University, Indonesia
Improvement of Six Competency Skills through the Development of Flipped-Case Project in Era of Education 4.0
Karunia Puji Hastuti, Nevy Farista Aristin, Ahmad Ilham Masful Fani
Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Indonesia
International Students’ Sponsorships at University of Technology and Applied Sciences (UTAS), Rustaq, Oman: A Case Study
Moza Abdullah Al Malki, Nagham Al-Azzawi
University of Technology and Applied Sciences-Rustaq, Oman
Analysis of the Activities in the Primary School Turkish Textbooks in Terms of Creative Thinking Skills
Halil TaÅŸ, Muhammet Baki Minaz
Ministry of National Education (Turkey), Sakarya University (Turkey)
The Problems and Opportunities of Hybrid Education for School Management
Münir Şahin
Tokat GaziosmanpaÅŸa Ãœniversitesi
Needs Analysis for the Development of Mathematics Statistics I-Module Based on Schematic Representation
Rahmad Bustanul Anwar, Dwi Rahmawati
Muhammadiyah University of Metro
Young Learners Preferences on Using Games and Songs for Learning English in EFL Context
Suhartawan Budianto, Nur Sayidah, Sucipto, Amirul Mustofa
Dr. Soetomo University
Investigation of Sports Sciences Faculty Students’ Motivation for Participation in Physical Activity in Terms of Various Variables
Ahmet Naci DILEK
The University of Bartın, Turkey
The Perspective of the Mathematics Teacher Educator on the Design of Mathematics Teaching Method Courses for Elementary Teacher Candidates
The University of Gaziantep, Turkey
The Effect of Chairobic Dance Program on Cardiorespiratory Endurance in Faculty of Education Staff, Thaksin University
Singha Tulyakul
Thaksin University, Thailand
The Relationship Between Principals' Technological Leadership Competence and School Effectiveness
Öğr. Üyesi Muhammet Baki MİNAZ, Yusuf ÖZEL, Mustafa AY
Sakarya Üniversitesi (Turkey), Akoba İlkokulu (Turkey), Koçaklar İlkokulu (Turkey)
Democratic School Management and Social Capital
Erkan Tabancalı
Yıldız Technical University
Investigation of Some Anthropometric and Motoric Characteristics of Paramedic Students
Rıdvan Ergin, İrfan Marangoz
Ahi Evran University, Turkey
Examination of Teachers' Knowledge Levels of the Concept of Early Literacy in Terms of Various Variables
Halil TaÅŸ, Muhammet Baki Minaz
Ministry of National Education (Turkey), Siirt University (Turkey)

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