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Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Vol.5 Special Issue 2 (2022)
The Asian Institute of Research
Education Quarterly Reviews
Vol.5, Special Issue 2: Current Education Research in Turkey
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Examination of the Concept Images of Pre-service Teachers for Single-Variable and Multi-Variable | Bahar Dinçer | Izmir Demokrasi University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.660 | |
School Quality Assurance Applications for Basic Education Schools | Asuman Yilmaz Şen, İlknur Maya | Çanakkale Istiklal Secondary School (Turkey), Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Turkey) | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.658 | |
An Evaluation of the Compatibility of the 2019 Turkish Curriculum (The Case of Iğdir Province) | Esma Binay, Şener Şentürk, Volkan Duran | Ondokuz Mayıs University (Turkey), Iğdır University (Turkey) | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.657 | |
Students’ Nature of Science Understandings: A Phenomenological Study | Umit Duruk, Ayse Kocabük, Emine Cavus | Adıyaman University (Turkey), National Ministry of Education (Turkey) | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.656 | |
Self-Efficacy Perceptions of Secondary School Students regarding Speaking Skills | Ömer Kemiksiz | Bartın University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.655 | |
The Influence of Imagination and Creativity-Based Science Teaching on Turkish Middle School Students’ Nature of Science Views | Aysenur Patan, Mehmet Kucuk | Degirmenkopru Ismet Kaya Secondary School (Turkey), Recep Tayyip Erdogan University (Turkey) | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.654 | |
Turkish Primary School Students' Knowledge, Behavior, and Awareness of "Healthy Living": Reflections on the COVID-19 Epidemic Process in the Context of Life Science Course | Mehmet Fatih Kaya, Oktay Ağır | Uşak University (Turkey), Kütahya Tavşanlı Gürağaç Primary School (Turkey) | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.653 | |
Ostracism and Life Satisfaction among Turkish Adolescents: The Role of Self-Efficacy as Mediator | Çare Sertelin Mercan | Istanbul University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.652 | |
Examination of the Opinions of the Parents Attending the Safe Internet and Computer Using Course on Applied Education | Fatma Aycan Binay Eyuboğlu, Fatma Gizem Karaoğlan Yılmaz | Bartın Akçamescit Secondary School (Turkey), Bartın University (Turkey) | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.651 | |
Conceptual Analysis of Twice Exceptionality | Şener Şentürk, İdil Kefeli, Banu İlhan Emecan | Ondokuz Mayıs University (Turkey), Ministry of National Education (Turkey) | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.650 | |
The Analysis of the Views of Turkish Pre-service Teachers on Classroom Management Based on Three Movies: The Chaos Class (Hababam Sınıfı), Dangerous Mind and Dead Poets Society 1990 | Seçil Dayıoğlu Öcal, Seher İşcan | Hacettepe University (Turkey), Pamukkale University (Turkey) | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.649 | |
The Effects of Plickers on English Vocabulary Achievement, Motivation and Anxiety | Nuri Babacan, Çetin Güler | The Ministry of National Education (Turkey), Yüzüncü Yıl University (Turkey) | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.648 | |
Improvisation Strategies in Online Drama Lesson | Gökhan Karaosmanoğlu, İhsan Metinnam | Ankara University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.647 | |
Pre-service Teachers' Views on the Process of Designing Activities through Cartoons | Emine Uzun | Kahramanmaraş Sütçü Imam University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.646 | |
Examination of Career Choice Competency from Self-Consciousness Level Perspective | Abdulsamet Duran, Zeliha Traş, Emine Duran | Yozgat Bozok University (Turkey), Necmettin Erabakan University (Turkey) | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.645 | |
Assessment of Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profiles and Nutritional Knowledge Levels of Pre-Service Physical Education and Science Teachers: A Comparative Study Example | Cihat Korkmaz | Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.644 | |
The Effect of a Dialogic Reading Program on the Early Literacy Skills of Children in Preschool Period | Yasemin Yüzbaşioğlu, Cemal Akyol | Konya Ahmet Haşhaş Primary School (Turkey), Selçuk University (Turkey) | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.643 | |
Examining Algebraic Habits of the Mind through a Problem Solving: Elementary School Example | Bilge Yilmaz Aslan, Begüm Özmusul | Gaziantep University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.642 | |
The Effect of Harezmi Education Model on the Computational Thinking Skills of Secondary School Students | Ahmet Tokmak, Ali Yılmaz, Mustafa Şeker | Ministry of Education (Turkey), Marmara University (Turkey), Yıldız Technical University (Turkey) | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.641 | |
Students' Metaphorical Perceptions Regarding the Concept of School, School Satisfaction Levels and Elements Affecting Satisfaction | Ümran Demir | Alaaddin Keykubat University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.640 | |
Reading Strategies Used by Turkish Teacher Candidates in the Reading Process | Selim Emiroğlu | Istanbul Aydın University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.639 | |
The Model Research that Compares the Multiple Intelligence Theory Implementations with the Traditional Methods Implemented in the Music Lessons of 4th And 5th Grades in Primary Schools | Özge Çongur Yeşilkaya, Ayşe Meral Töreyin | Gazi University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.638 | |
Purposes of Code-Switching in Turkish Preparatory Classes: An Action Research | Mehmet Fatih Amcalar, Gözde Amcalar, Besra Ceren Öztürkçü, Habib Çelik | Ministry of National Education, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.637 | |
Depression and Burnout Levels of Graduate Students in Music | Hamza Üstün | Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.636 | |
Investigating the Relationship between University Students’ Cyberloafing Profiles and Life Goals according to Various Variables | Hatice Zekavet Kabasakal, Kadir Demir | Dokuz Eylul University (Turkey), İzmir Demokrasi University (Turkey) | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.635 | |
Impact of Mindfulness Training on EFL Learners’ Willingness to Speak, Speaking Anxiety Levels and Mindfulness Awareness Levels | Ceylan Yangın Ersanlı, Tuğba Ünal | Ondokuz Mayıs University (Turkey), Samsun University (Turkey) | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.634 | |
Multimodal Differentiation for Allophone Pupils in First Language French Classroom | Can Denizci | Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.633 | |
The Investigation of Gifted Students' Speaking and Writing Anxiety Level According to Some Variables | Bünyamin Sarikaya, Kenan Bulut | Muş Alparslan University (Turkey), Van Yüzüncü Yıl University (Turkey) | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.632 | |
Exploring the Prospective Teachers’ Views about Writing Topic Selection and Their Writing Skills | Betül Keray Dinçel | Aksaray University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.631 | |
Self-Regulation Skills of Children within the Context of the Meanings that Mothers Attribute to the Concept of Child | Burcu Ün, Sezai Koçyiğit | Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.630 | |
Case Study on Science Teacher Candidates' Understanding of the Wave Concept | Sevgül Çalış, Nimet Remziye Ergül | Bursa Uludağ University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.629 | |
Difficulties, Benefits and Recommendations of Mainstreaming Practices | Serdal Deniz, Ridvan Karabulut | The University of Kayseri, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.628 | |
Comparison of Undergraduate Social Studies Instruction Program Elective Course Content and Social Studies Curriculum (2018) Objectives | Esra Kiliç, Aşkın Baydar, Arcan Aydemir, Özlem Ulu Kalin | Artvin Coruh University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.627 | |
An Examination on the Visuals in the Reading Texts of the Turkish Teaching Textbooks for Foreigners | İlayda Kaya | Kayseri Sıh Mehmet Gazioglu Secondary School (Turkey) | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.626 | |
Examining the Effect of Using Mobile Technologies in Chemistry Laboratory on Self-Directed Learning Readiness: An Action Research | Hatice Güngör Seyhan | Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.625 | |
Examination of the Relationship Between Primary School Students' Perceptions of Self-Learning and Decision-Making Skills | Fatih Selim Erdamar, Ender Özeren | Şırnak University (Turkey), Dicle University (Turkey) | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.624 | |
Student Evaluation of the Features of Learning Management Systems Used by Universities in Distance Higher Education | Ebru M. Koç | Inonu University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.623 | |
Addressing the Works of World Literature with Radio Play Application | Ayşe Derya Eskimen | Kutahya Dumlupınar University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.622 | |
An Investigation of Undergraduate L2 Writers’ Motivational Writing Regulation Strategies in Relation to Collaborative Learning Beliefs | Aydan Irgatoğlu, Özkan Kırmızı | Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University (Turkey), Karabük University (Turkey) | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.621 | |
The Evaluation of Faculty of Education Students' Self-Efficiency Beliefs for Museum Education | Songül Mollaoğlu | Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.620 | |
Reasons and Opinions of Students Learning English as a Foreign Language about Learning the Target Culture | Semahat Aysu | Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.619 | |
Investigation of Social Media Usage Status of Music Teacher Candidates | Rıza Akyürek | Mugla Sıtkı Koçman University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.618 | |
The Relationship between Teachers' Motivation and Organizational Commitment: The Mediating Role of Perceived Principal Management Style | Öznur Tulunay Ateş, Özgür Türk | Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.617 | |
The Effects of Language Exposure, Linguistic Distance, and Demographic Variables on Gagauz Students’ Turkish Listening Skills | Kayhan İnan | Amasya University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.616 | |
The Effect of Philosophy Education on Mathematics Success | Kamil Akbayir, Sevda Kaya Tedikçi | Yüzüncü Yıl University (Turkey), Van Zaferler Middle School (Turkey) | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.615 | |
Using WhatsApp in Math Classes in High Schools: Teachers’ and Students' Opinions | H. Şenay Şen, Sevim Selvi | Gazi University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.614 | |
Analysis of Music Teachers' Attitudes Toward Music Software | Erkan Demirtaş | Ankara Music and Fine Arts University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.613 | |
The Effect of Genre-Specific Strategy Instruction on the Writing Achievement of Fourth-Grade Students | Demet Seban | Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.612 | |
Integrated Mathematics and Science Instruction on Motion Problems in Grade 9 Classes | Cihan Kılıç, Belgin Özaydınlı-Tanrıverdi | Yıldız Technical University (Turkey), Kocaeli University (Turkey) | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.611 | |
Smartphone Addiction and Social Appearance Anxiety as Predictors of Junior High Students’ Need to Make a Good Impression | Zeliha Traş, Büşra Kökçam, Büşra Akay | Necmettin Erbakan University (Turkey), Ministry of National Education (Turkey) | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.610 | |
The Kolb Learning Styles of History Undergraduates in Turkiye | Pelin İskender Kılıç | Ondokuz Mayıs University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.609 | |
A General Evaluation on the Piano Works of the Soviet Composer Dmitry Kabalevsky for Children and the Sample of the Piano Album “Thirty Pieces for Kids Op.27” | Nilüfer Özer | Bursa Uludağ University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.608 | |
8th Graders’ Interpretation of Equal Sign in Scratch: Pan Balance Activities | Nazım Özkan, Meriç Özgeldi, Erman Uzun | Ministry of Education (Turkey), Mersin University (Turkey) | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.607 | |
A Study on the Perception of Turkish and Syrian Children of Each Other in Preschool Period: "Tell Me About Your Friend" | Nalan Kuru, Nesrin Akbayrak, Demet Koç | Bursa Uludağ University (Turkey), Minister of National Education (Turkey) | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.606 | |
The Impact of Cognitive Competence on Critical Thinking Skills: An Educational Science Study with School Counsellors | Muhammet Baş, Yavuz Bolat | Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.605 | |
The Impact of the Cognitive Conflict Approach on the Elimination of the Misconception in Square Root Numbers | Hasan Güveli, Adnan Baki, Ebru Güveli | Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University (Turkey), Trabzon University (Turkey) | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.604 | |
The Effect of Turkish Pronunciation Training on Brain: An fMRI Study | Gökçen Tekin, Halit Karatay, Mustafa Hızal | Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.603 | |
Foreign Language Teachers' Attitudes and Motivation Towards Distance Learning | Birol Çelik, Nur Demirbaş-Çelik, Hüseyin Uzunboylu | Ministry of Education (Turkey), Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University (Turkey), Accreditation and Coordination Board (Cyprus) | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.602 | |
Investigation of Turkish Elementary School Students' Environmental Awareness | Ayça Cirit Gül, Nevin Özdemir | Ondokuz Mayıs University, Turkey | 10.31014/aior.1993.05.04.601 |
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